
Tao's Trip To The Vet


Henlo my frens, welcome to my blog.

Today i went to my frenly vets for a check up.

When i arrived i was weighed and given the bad news i had to loose a kilo. No more egg on toast or cheesy weesy for me!

The frenly vet called me into his room. I had to stand on a very high table whilst he checked my ears, teeth, heart and paws.

He then turned away to find the vaccine.
'Quick' i thought 'jump from table!'.
I jumped and rolled on floor and hid in a corner. I gave myself a frighten!

The frenly vet told my hooman to hold me still whilst he gave the injection. I was very brave but sneezed when he put kennel cough vaccine up my nose.

I was then allowed to leave and given a joosy but healthy chimkin treato for being such a good boi.


Now frens don't forget to have your doggo vaccinated every 12 months to keep them healthy.

bork bork, love Tao

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